Tuesday 10 December 2013

Human Immune System & Parasites

The unicellular Micro-Organisms which cannot even seen by naked and can only be seen by a strong Microscope are the most dangerous enemies of humanity.  microscopic organism kill millions of people every year. As wiper wipes the water from floor surface same like that these dangerous organisms wiping the humanity from the face of globe. There are many types of parasites like viruses, bacteria, fungus, protozoa and many other microbes. These parasites are the major cause of many infectious diseases which kills millions people every year.

Human parasites are those organisms which get protection and derive nourishment from human body and also cause many fatal and infectious diseases. These parasites are present everywhere around us, in our daily food, drinking water, kitchens, gyms, playgrounds offices and even in hospitals where every day sprays used to kill them. These microscopic organisms cause wide range of external and internal human diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, skin, digestive and chronic diseases. But here in this article I shall tell you there impact on human immune system.
Immunity is the power of human body which fights against germs (pathogens) which cause diseases. Immune system fight against diseases and kills the parasites and other microbes and immunity is strong in young people but it’s weaker in children and aged individuals. To understand the immune system we can take a best example of computer system. If there is an Antivirus software installed in a computer whenever affected file or external device containing virus is connected are try to connect with that system the antivirus automatically activated, it kill and remove the virus from file.
Immune system of human body works exactly like the antivirus software and protect our body from diseases. When germs entered in our body human system automatically activated and kill these pathogens. Now even we have immune system in our bodies then how we become ill? The answer is that many parasites weaken our immune system and when our immunity weakens then every germ can easily attack our body and we suffer from diseases. Many disease attacks because of waken immune defense power. Particular parasites take the advantage of this lower human system, establish themselves in different organs and then start damaging the organs very badly. Then different types of Antibiotic and medicines are given to patient to stronger the immunity as well as to kill theses parasites.
But the matter is that many microscopic (parasites) have the capacity to resist against different types of antibiotics. And antibiotics mainly remove the symptoms of diseases but not the causes mean that germs. Now what is the best adequate solution to get rid of these infectious parasites?
The Parasite Zapper ParaZapper is best product to kill all kinds of parasites like bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and other microbes in water based environments. This is technically advance product and so effective in killing parasites as it shows very positive results. There is a significant opportunity to this product to save human lives.
For more information please visit www.paradevices.com.

You may also search more info about ParaZapper products at http://huldaclarkparazapper.com.

Monday 9 December 2013

Micro-Organisms & Parasite Zapper to Kill Them

Did you hear about Louis Pasteur and his work? This is the man who is Pioneer of research on Germs. He proved his well-known Germs Theory in the late 19th century. Louis Pasteur proved scientifically that the diseases are caused due to living micro-organisms ‘the Germ’. Louis Pasteur was no doubt a great man because by giving this Germ theory, his contributions to the world of medical are highly valuable. I am not here writing a Biography on Louis Pasteur, what I want, is to aware you that these microscopic organisms are the most successful organisms on the planet.

You will really amaze to read that the Louis pasture after discovering germs so threaten and afraid of these germ that he even quit to hand shake with other people.
Since the human history began these germs exist on the world. And after their discovery professionals (researchers & Doctors) are finding the solutions to kill these germs. Later! I shall tell you in this article about an amazing device which kills germs.
There are more than 3,000 types of parasites that infect human body and cause many infectious and fatal diseases. Major germs include; parasites, viruses, fungus, protozoa and many other microbes. These pathogens are omnipresent cause many infectious and fatal diseases. World Health Organization (W.H.O) report almost 3.5 billion people in the world are suffering from parasites infection and diseases.
Parasites diseases include;
·        Skin diseases (which includes Creeping Eruption, tropical sore, and scabies)
·        Digestive system and digestive tract diseases
·        Weaken immune system
·        Cholera
·        Dysentery
·        intense hunger or malnutrition
·        Severe mental illness
·        Body odor
·        Allergies
·        Restless conditions and many others
The parasites are the germs (pathogens) which live in human body and rob the nutrients from our food for their survival. Parasites consume the good stuff from human body and leave the bad stuff like fats, sugar for us so loose health rapidly and may die if these parasites are not killed on ASAP base. Parasite diseases also change the mood and behavior of the patient. The person suffering from parasite diseases become rude, peevish and obstinate. constantly feel the restless conditions and encountered with sleeping problems changing sides during whole night.

Now the question is that how to kill these germs which deprives the individuals from their lives. The best choice to kill all kinds of parasite is Hulda Clark Zapper Hulda Clark ParaZapper™.
I, self, used this product. I was suffering from skin problem (allergies and scabies) and were worried about my skin as the irritable bowls start appearing everywhere on my body. Then my friend John suggests me to use Parasite Zapper. After using this product my irritable bowls starts disappearing and in few days my skin become mild and soft and I got rid of parasite from my body.
ParaZapper is the most effective technically advance product which kills the germs from water based environment in just few minutes. As the ParaZapper is so effective in killing microbes, there is tremendous potential and opportunity to use this device to help reduce illness in humans .
For more information please visit www.paradevices.com

ParaZapper products are available for research at http://huldaclarkparazapper.com